"Loving Life...all of it"
is an inspired presentation of
hope, faith, compassion and self-love.

Loving life...all of it has been my email signature for years. As I travel through my own life's journey, the 'all of it' portion continually takes on new meaning.
In December 2010, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and knew it was another opportunity to embrace more of my 'Loving life...all of it' perception.
May 26, 2011 was my last chemotherapy treatment and August 11th was my last radiation treatment.
On Thursday, June 16, 2011, the "Loving life...all of it," presentation was introduced to the community during a special event at Alton Memorial Hospital in Alton, IL. The outpouring of love at this event was more than I could have imagined - it was a win/win for everyone!
* I shared live music
* several of the "I AM" images were presented for the first time as finished prints
* shared my personal journey with breast cancer and the many Life Lessons learned
* PLUS - 36 "The Magic Mirror" CDs were sponsored and gifted to Alton Memorial's Cancer Center
Photos by Gail Herzog
In December 2012, I was diagnosed a second time
and published my first book shortly thereafter:

The Life Lessons experienced through my journey with love
are shared in this presentation. (watch video)
Regardless of where you are in life,
these Life Lessons may offer you a sense of
renewed hope, faith, inspiration and love.
Please contact me if you would like to schedule this very special event. healingharp@aol.com
To read more, visit: "Cancer Support Community's July/Aug/Sep Newsletter, pg 2: MEET Amy Camie"
Organizations that have enjoyed this presentation include:
Alton Memorial Hospital - Summer in the Garden
SSM Cancer Care-St. Mary's Health Care - Celebration of Life
Alton Community League
Mercy Hospital - An Evening of Hope
Cheryl's Herbs - Healing Night
SSM St. Clare Health Center - Celebration of Life
Alton Rotary Club
St. Anthony's Breast Cancer Support Group
Redeemer Women’s Luncheon
St. Anthony’s Medical Center Breast Cancer Support Group
SSM DePaul Health Center – Celebration of Life Event
SSM St. Mary’s Breast Care Center Support Group - Girl’s Night Out
Cancer Wellness Day Event – Breakout Session